



Welcome, this page will give a brief introduction to geography.


Geography: the study of the Earth and its lands, features, inhabitants, and phenomena (Wikipedia).  

To help you better understand the concept of geography I have complied some pictures from  When viewing the powerpoint presentation below try to think of different categories these pictures can be placed into, this will help you understand the definition of geography. 



When people hear the word geography they often think of land masses for example, countries. But after viewing the PowerPoint presentation what do you think geography means? The term geography includes land (mountains, hills, waterfalls, etc), inhabitants (humans, animals, insects, etc), and phenomena (weather, Northern light etc)-just to name a few. Please not that there are many other forms of geography but for this page we will leave it as the above definition.

The definition can a little confused, but don’t worry! Lets now look at a few videos that also highlights the concept of geography.


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Now it’s your turn, to explore.

Go to, this website will allow you to see images that people have posted of their country. All you have to do is simply navigate to the country of your choice and click! Try to find images of natural landforms, once you find an image go to and try to find that same land mass on this website.


Below is a PowerPoint presentation thats shows printscreens of how I completed the above task.

Here are some extra links to help you further understand geography:

