
Regression not Progression

Page history last edited by Stephen J. Nicoloff 15 years, 4 months ago

Linear Regression


Why do we use regressions at all? To help us predict future trends, or to help us in most any kind of prediction. 

Let's look at one example, linear regression: To determine the height of an individual, to help in assessing growth and nutrition, calculating body surface area, and predicting pulmonary function in childhood, we can use arm span. It has been used, but it can be inaccurate.  Prediction equations for height based on ulna length and age in years have been developed using linear regression.  It has been shown that ulna measurement can precisely predict height in school-age children and it can be duplicated. It appears to be superior to arm span measurement, especially when there is some deformity to consider.



Here's an nice tutorial on how to enter data to do your own linear regression: http://home.hccnet.nl/tenhorn/RegLin83.htm 



YouTube plugin error

Watch this video to see how a standard error is determined and what it means to your reqression equation. 


Let's try a problem.  Ulna_Problem___Linear_Regression.pdf


Comments (1)

bronsteele said

at 7:51 pm on Sep 19, 2009

OK Steve, I see nothing - I agree that this is regression not progression

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