
Voice Thread

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Saved by Che Wei Chang (Jack)
on September 19, 2009 at 4:46:12 pm

Mr. Chang's VoiceThread Math Page




What is VoiceThread?



The Online Collaborative Tool


VoiceThread is a very diverse online tool that can be used for a wide variety of purposes from teaching to just simply sharing media with friends and family.


In short VoiceThread is a tool that allows an individual to start an online discussion with the capability to share images, videos, and audio files, and allows the participants to comment and add their own media in a variety of ways. Furthermore, the the users can share the discussion by emailing it, invite others to join, or embedding into other places like a wiki. It can even be exported to mp3 players like an Ipod to be taken on the go. VoiceThread also gives the users the ability to make their discussions private or public to be shared with everyone on the internet.


Instead of giving you a five paragraph essay on what is VoiceThread, below is a VoiceThread explaining what it is and a quick introduction on what it can do with some examples.




Daily Lessons







If you want to comment and add to VoiceThread here is a couple of tutorial I made to help you register and get started.


VoiceThread Registration


Creating a new VoiceThread, uploading pictures and videos, commenting, and sharing

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